Industry 4.0 Training & Organisational Readiness Assessment (I4ORA)
Industry 4.0 is term so often heard these days but not many understand the importance of its use. Simera Innovate has established itself at the forefront of I4.0 expertise over the last several years, with countless international I4.0 projects successfully brought to fruition.
Our Industry 4.0 training starts with creating an in-depth understanding of what this commonly used term actually is. This is followed by looking at the Nine Pillars of Industry 4.0, which allows the trainees to grasp how new technologies could lead to new business models. At the core of the course is the realisation that we need to think differently. The course aims to break the outdated patterns surrounding preconceived ideas and methodologies used to define the business models.
Training then proceeds in creating an understanding of how organizations need to be changed and managed in order to harness the full potential of adapting Industry 4.0. It looks at the difficulties that are often encountered when these changes want to be implemented and prepares the trainees for handling the resistance they will likely encounter due to management often not favouring such changes.
However daunting they may seem, these changes offer new products, new business models, new markets, and new revenues at the end of the day. It is the companies that make the first move that generally secure the largest benefit from adopting Industry 4.0.

A proper understanding of Industry 4.0 is a good starting point. The next goal is to establish what your organization’s I4.0 readiness status is. For this, an Industry Maturity Assessment needs to be done. Simera has developed a smart and comprehensive assessment model that focuses on the technical abilities and organisational readiness for change. This model is known as the Industry 4.0 & Organizational Readiness Assessment (I4ORA) model.
The model was developed to create a clear journey that will guide the organisation towards Industry 4.0 adoption and maturity. It highlights that it is not a quick process but a gradual journey where people and a management approach to change play a core role. Technology is not the main focus, as many would assume, but merely the enabler of new business models that can transform an entire company. The mantra of the Industry 4.0 journey is, "Start small, but start somewhere."
Interested in getting your business up to speed and becoming a frontrunner in your respective industry? Please speak to us today to find out how our Industry 4.0 & Organizational Readiness Assessment can help you!